EM Law | Commercial Lawyers in Central London

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image of a woman drawing an upward going arrow heading an article by EM Law about new employment rights bill Employment Law
image of a boat sailing away on a calm lake heading an article by EM law about statutory redundancy Employment Law
image showing a man writing 'know the rules' on pice of paper heading can article by EM Law about sexual harassment Compliance Employment Law
image showing a market and fish exchange - image heading an article explaining quid pro quo meaning and basics Contract Law Employment Law
image showing a glacial heading an article about vicarious liability - EM Law Business Risk Dispute Resolution Employment Law Tort law
image of a distressed person behind a computer heading an article about breaches of employment contracts: What Employees and Employers Need to Know Contract Law Dispute Resolution Employment Law
image of a man enjoying a cup of coffee heading an article about non-compete clauses Contract Law Employment Law
image showing two seagulls heading an article about Contract Law and Elements of a Binding Law Contract Employment Law
illustrated image of hands pointing at a person heading an EM Law article about Unfair Dismissal Employment Law

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